I recently had the pleasure of being invited to Anthony Chipelo's home in Napa, CA.
After a year of listening to Anthony speak during SFAS Zoom Happy Hour Sessions
I was more that bit intrigued to hear his personal system. I will attempt to include a link to a short Video of his system.
What I heard for the 1st time was what people write about in terms of "Space between instruments". This is something I am not equipped to accurately describe in words. All
I can say is the I saw a piano keyboard and sensed the hands moving across the keys
spatially. This was before the wine began to flow.
From Anthony:
"Half the game or more is the imaging and soundstage that is engineered into the recording itself. The other critical factor is the proper amp/speaker match up. Then placement of speakers along with any work that you can do to the room to tame reflections and room modes.
For me the preamp and source need to get out of the way. I know a lot of audiophiles think the preamp is what makes everything click. I’ll let them think that. When I set up my systems I start with the speakers first and work back. Some start with an amp and that is okay too, as long as the speakers are next".
The perpetual myth of horniness that horns speakers are supposed to suffer from just doesn't happen. Horniness is colouration brought about by either bad design of the horn or by resonances in the horn which amounts to the same thing. The multi cells are simple exponential flares kept small and solid as can be seen in the pictures. Once you have heard a properly built and set up horn speaker every other speaker you listen to will seem lacking. Even small Lowther type horns have the ability to bring out realism in music albeit at reduced volume. A reasonably simplistic primer in what your system needs to be capable of can be found here, What's in your Music, a more advanced work on loudness control by pianists (the piano is used here only as an example of sound pressure levels) Kinoshita et al.
Guide to Buying a Tube Preamp
So you want to buy a tube preamp? Good move- a tube preamp can be one of the most rewarding upgrades you can make to a stereo system.
Apart from a new set of speakers , a good tube preamp will give you the most audible change to your system.
But like speakers, there are good and not so good preamps , so what should you look for when previewing preamps?
How to build a better box
(12) Interview Michael Borresen - Raidho : Scansonic : Aavik - YouTube (pdf)
DownloadThere's a guy doing videos regarding audio that I've come to respect quite a bit. His descriptions of everything audio are IMO, one of the best a easy to understand out there. His name is Hans Beekhuyzen and here is an example, of one, that I found very complete. He doesn't pretend to know more than he does, but his comments are based on his own experience and scientific fact, give it a watch.., I think you all will enjoy it as well as it being a learning experience.
Ben Taylor
Files coming soon.
CCF09272019 Business Cards (pdf)
DownloadFree on line test.
Some very good info for anyone in learn mode.
Despite being designed in the 1960s, the Denon DL-103 models are still one of the masterpieces in audio technology and can easily compete with contemporary phono cartridges. This broadcast standard cartridge exhibits the life and dynamics of analog audio. By simply upgrading the cartridge body and attachment, you can be confident you are getting the highest performance from your cartridge.
The Aluminum Body Cap (The Cap) provides a broadband improvement to the already remarkable sound of the DL-103/r: increased bass presence, improved soundstage and imaging, combined with remarkable tone. The Cap is not a modification: it is an accessory. The Cap is completely removable and transferable. The Aluminum Body Cap securely bolts through the stock cartridge body and headshell, providing a firm, mechanical connection.
Blake Hovecar of AV Choices did a trial run for the club and bought one.
Call Blake for the skinny.
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