Jim Salk is a Custom Speaker builder whose products represent a higher value
than most companies. Why? He does not use a 4 or 5 x factor when pricing
his speakers. One look will and one listen should convince you.
Jim is also a wonderful gentleman to meet and do business with.
Proudly Made in the USA.
See why so many people rave about him and his products!
Topic: Interview with Salk
Time: Jun 23, 2021 07:00 PM Arizona
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Join the Boys Each Friday for an hour of letting your hair down! Topics vary. Participants are sometimes present.
Friday Night Happy Hour 7pm AZ Time
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Topic: Interview with Dr. C of Audeze
Time: Apr 14, 2021 07:00 PM Arizona
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The most highly anticipated Club Meeting is now set for 2021. Dan enjoys a good bottle of red wine so if the mood strikes you please bring such a thank you gift.
Dan's wife Petra and their family will put on a show to please everyone.
**Open to members only who RSVP. Please Send to Jeffkalina1@gmail.com by 4/21.**
No name is more closely associated with high-end audio amplifiers than that of Dan D’Agostino. During his career of more than 35 years, D’Agostino pioneered countless advances in the design of amplifiers, preamplifiers, CD players, and surround-sound processors. He is known as the audio industry’s most passionate promoter of high-quality, high-powered amplification. Makers of the world’s finest loudspeakers rely on D’Agostino-designed amplifiers for their most important demonstrations.
Enjoy harpist Anne Roos as she performs music that might not be expected on the Celtic harp! She performed on the 2015 Grammy® Award Winning New Age Album, her music has flown around the world in American Airline’s inflight music service, and she has appeared on countless podcasts, radio programs, and TV shows in her 30 years of playing. She’ll entertain us with a special performance program just for our membership. Find out more about Anne at HarpistAnneRoos.com.
GIK Acoustics not only offers quality, patented, Eco-friendly products but we also provide customers with custom acoustical advice as well as helpful educational posts and acoustic articles. We take a holistic approach in helping customers understand the acoustical issues in their space and then present a practical approach to addressing the issues.
Audiophiles can spend a small fortune on speakers and equipment in search of the perfect sound, but without the proper room set up and treatment even the very best audio equipment wont give you a satisfying listening experience. If you are lucky enough to have a dedicated listening room, you can prioritize audio performance and set the room up around the audio system, but even in shared listening spaces we can often improve things with good setup tweaks and basic treatments.
Topic: GIK Presentation
Time: Feb 24, 2021 06:00 PM Arizona
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Come find out what all the raves are about. Merrill Wettasinghe owner, developer has brought something very special to the market.
Merrill Wettasinghe is the principal and founder of Merrill Audio. Merrill, though an engineer by education and profession, studied piano from an early age and continues to play as a beloved pastime. Merrill was building components, aged 10. Long ago he entered entered the ‘twilight zone’ of advanced electronics, where magic can happen and things are hard to explain. Merrill wonders about the word ‘audiophile’. What does it mean? Does it mean a love of sound, or a love of music? Perhaps it is both, but the love of music wins, every time.
Because Merrill is a pianist he understands certain things about how music happens ? particularly how important speed is. Musicians are pretty fast, they have lightning reflexes. They have to because the notes in the score don’t account for the time it takes to get between them on an actual physical instrument. Composers create seamless things. Musicians have to express that seamlessness in physical space, with a physical instrument, that has distances to cover. Musicians learn to think with the spine, the small muscles, the body intelligence.
What happens when the musician, the audiophile and the advanced engineer meet in the same person? Something special ? audio reproduction devices that reveal the beating heart and soul of musical performance. This is Merrill Audio. The vision of true musicality, its depth, its subtlety and nuance, its micro-gradations of refinement and taste. Its emotive power and joy.
Merrill has a BSEE and a MBA, has worked for Fortune 100 companies as well as many startups, including a few that he started himself. Merrill is bringing 30 plus years of experience in research, marketing, global sales and management to the brand. Merrill Audio is here to stay.
At Merrill Audio our philosophy is that audio components at the very high end must offer true value. They must provide something that simply cannot be achieved without the countless hours, years, of research and development we bring to their evolution. Cannot be achieved without the most refined of insights into the dynamics of musical expression, and cannot be delivered without world class engineering expertise. We are offering you unique experiences, emotional connection. We want to give you a window into the world of fine musical expression that is, otherwise, unavailable, or is very rare in audio.
We want you to spend hours re-discovering your music collection, whether it be vinyl or more recent formats. We want you to stay up all night. We want to bring you the power and intimacy of art in music, unforgettably. For you to be inviting your friends around to hear this thing. We want you to be pushing those friends out of the door in the small hours, because they simply won’t leave! We aim to astonish.
Topic: Merrill Audio Advanced Technology Labs
Time: Jan 20, 2021 07:00 PM Arizona
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To finish the month, we are having a live performance by guitarist Chris Dorsey on 10/21/2020 at 7pm at Faith Lutheran Church (801 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85014). Masks and social distancing will be in effect as usual. We plan to record the event for those who cannot make it. To finish the month, we are having a live performance by guitarist Chris Dorsey on 10/21/2020 at 7pm at Faith Lutheran Church (801 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85014). Masks and social distancing will be in effect as usual. We plan to record the event for those who cannot make it.
Something of an audio legend, Frank Van Alstine has been in the audio electronics business for over 50 years. He has made Audio by Van Alstine a success by providing high fidelity electronics with great customer service, quality construction, and amazing audio for the money. Never resting on his audio laurels, he continues to introduce new and innovative products. Over the years he has acquired a number of patents, scores of positive equipment reviews, and a great many dedicated audiophile fans. A genuine audio personality, Frank has definite ideas about the audio world and what makes for good engineering and what is audio snake oil. Join us for what will likely be an informative and interesting AAVC interview on Saturday, October 17th, at 2:00 PM.
Inventor, teacher, published poet and genius. Do not miss an opportunity to spend an hour with Peter Ledermann founder of Sound-Smith.
Do yourself a favor and read Soundsmith Founder and President Peter Ledermann's essay, Animating Life.
Sound-Smith supports a Pro-Children organization "Direct Grace Records".
Your music purchase goes to help sponsor rescued children around the world.
I hope you all are able to enjoy this very special presentation this Saturday Afternoon!!
Topic: Interview with Sean Casey of Zu Audi
Zu's Sean Casey loves 20,000 watt amps, 21 inch woofers, and Dark Side of the Moon
ASU alums will feel his pain. His First love was the Klipsch corner horn-sound
Casey will mesmerize any crowd with his intriguing, beguiling sound, beautiful product and speakers with names you will be drawn to. High efficiency with reasonable pricing.
Don't miss this fellow.
it may come as a shock to note that some of high-end audio's greatest engineers started out in rock and roll. Take John Curl, in the early 1970s he worked his magic on the Grateful Dead's concert and recording sound systems and later kept the Jefferson Airplane aloft. That was just before he tackled film sound in Hollywood. All of that led to collaborations with high-end pioneer Mark Levinson; together they raised the stakes, considerably, with the JC 2 stereo preamplifier in 1974.
“I now know that there are many paths to great enjoyment, but still the simplicity of a passive output filter to convert digital to analog was and is very appealing. I started out designing a DSD DAC and since I’m a software guy using an FPGA was a natural way to avoid repeated board turns. After I had an FPGA on board I threw on PCM inputs almost as an afterthought and assumed I could then code the conversion of PCM to DSD.” Ted Smith
Part One :
Part Two :
TAS - March 2020 - Sanders Magtech Editor's Choice Award
Roger Sanders built and patented the original curved front electrostatic panel design (1979) which are still in use by Martin Logan and others.
Roger Sanders eschewed this design in favor of his current flat panel presentation.
Listen to Roger explain why he designs as he does. As an electrical engineer he can and will
explain his positions.
The Q & A session can be read in its entirety on the Events Page
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